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The Art of Engagement

Early engagement is the key to building a long term trust-based relationship with prospects.

The more they see you as a person (as opposed to a cost or a service), the more likely they are to invest in what you offer – regardless of whether it’s a product or a service.

BONJORO is a cool easy-to-use, affordable video app that will pay for itself E-A-S-I-L-Y (there are three levels of membership).

I’ll tell you how it works on this page, but if you want to see it first hand, get started on your free trial by clicking the link below.

Bonjoro is a paid independent app. This is an affiliate link directly out to the App. Further down this page is a link inviting me to ‘Bonjoro you’, so you can see how engaging it is (and meet me)!

Bonjoro video app workflow

What is Bonjoro…

I don’t usually get excited about paid apps.

In fact, I do a great job of avoiding them, or using the entry level option unless there is a really good value proposition (which often there is).

Cost creep is something I am super conscious of – for myself and for clients.


Bonjoro is a video app you can use on your phone or on desktop/laptop/tablet – wherever you are.

It’s way faster than typing an email (or phoning – that just feels stalkerish), yet very personal and engaging – PLUS… well – reaching out with a personal video post-purchase or engagement…. who does that?

It’s way above & beyond the standard.

Getting personal with your people!

"Bonjoro" Me

Click here if you want me to Bonjoro you. I’ll need your name and your email.

When someone signs up for your service or purchases your product when you’re at the gym or out shopping or wherever you are, it’s a very uplifting feeling – right?

A little part of you goes YAY!!

For the other person, it’s a totally different experience. They’ve invested (or perhaps just opted in) – they have made a connection with someone they have no relationship with (and frankly, no reason to trust).

They are a teeny tiny bit anxious about their potential risk.

Would it change their day to see you giving them a personal thank you within the hour – or even within the day….


So let’s put you on the other side of that equation….

Imagine you’ve just signed up for an online fitness programme.

You’ve paid your money and you are looking forward to getting started.

Imagine if the fitness coach then reached out to you with a personal video – waving and smiling and saying:

‘hey, Julie [in my case], thanks so much for joining my programme – I see you are in New Zealand – how awesome, I bet it’s lovely down there. I’ve never been.

So, each of the workouts is about 20 minutes long. Be sure to drink at least one glass of water before starting and another one after.

If you want to also grab the meal planner & clean meal menus – just click this link here – it’s free.

I’ll send you a feedback form in a couple of days and PLEASE be honest.

See you on the inside, Julie and thanks again for joining – I will do my absolute best to help you reach your goals!

Engaging – right?

Next, I want you to read all that out loud and see how long it takes you to do. In real life, you would open the app, click on the contact and record your video.

For me, it was maybe 30 seconds including opening the app and clicking send. Way faster than emailing.

What do you think?

"Bonjoro" Me

Click here if you want me to Bonjoro you. I’ll need your name and your email.

How much does Bonjoro cost?

[dsm_pricelist _builder_version=”4.7.4″ _module_preset=”default”][dsm_pricelist_child price=”$12.50 USD/mth” title=”Intro” _builder_version=”4.7.4″ _module_preset=”default”]

Your own branding

Your own look/template

3 funnels

50 Bonjoros per month

[/dsm_pricelist_child][dsm_pricelist_child price=”$33 USD/mth” title=”Intermediate” _builder_version=”4.7.4″ _module_preset=”default”]

Your own Branding

5 custom templates

5 message templates

Unlimited Bonjoros

[/dsm_pricelist_child][dsm_pricelist_child price=”$66 USD/mth” title=”Pro” _builder_version=”4.7.4″ _module_preset=”default”]

Your own Branding

25 custom templates

25 message templates

Unlimited Bonjoros


Set up a free trial!

The Bonjoro team is super friendly and helpful – they are based in Australia. Just follow the link to set up your free trial – and let me know how you go with it! [Bonjoro Me!]

Bonjoro video app workflow

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