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Welcome to Essential Media New Zealand.

What do you need help with in your Marketing to take your business to the next level?

Wouldn’t it be great if you could use advanced marketing skills when and as your business needs them – to take your business to the next level.
We help small businesses do exactly that.

With modular services taken in progressive steps toward stepping up then scaling up. We make it easy for small business to achieve success.

Essential Marketing Skills for Small Businesses.

Essential Media NZ offers effective, affordable and sensible marketing strategy solutions for small business owners. Our modular pricing allows you to select which sections you would like us to manage, and stay on track with strategic development in bite sized pieces – no overwhelm, and no huge invoices. This is the perfect way for small businesses to externalise marketing functions but stay on track with cost management.

In addition to campaign or sales funnel creation, we offer online webinar based classes or one to one tuition online for those who prefer to upskill rather than outsource.

Our area of special interest is in strategic Facebook campaign development, but we also offer a full scope of Marketing Services from strategic to tactical, including website development, digital content strategy, social content and strategy, Google Adwords, website analytics.

We are experienced with Branding projects, media strategy (in both traditional and electronic mediums) and commonly work on marketing ‘action plans’ to keep everything on track.

We can outsource and oversee creative concept and graphic design work and will work alongside you as your extended marketing team in whatever small or large capacity you would like, as you require.

Our job is to make your marketing easier and more effective

In working with us you won’t get long complicated hard to follow explanations, just straightforward cost-effective marketing solutions that work. Our job is to make your marketing easy for you.

As Albert Einstein famously said, the test of whether you really understand something is in whether or not you can explain it in everyday language. We can.

To get to know us and decide if we are a good fit for your business, either contact us for a free 30 minute Discovery Chat or join one or more of our Facebook Groups – shown to the right. These are informative,  informal communities where you can ask for help and stay up to date with social media developments & current marketing trends.

Join Our Online Community!

We host a number of Facebook Groups – membership is free and there is no better way of getting to know us!

From Zero To Digital Superhero (beginner to intermediate support)

Sales Funnels Mastery (specific to sales funnels)

Business Growth Network (business strategy development, designed for intermediate to advanced)


Done-For-You Marketing Services at Essential Media

Facebook & Social Marketing

Our area of special interest is in building comprehensive Facebook campaigns – rolling from campaign objective through to landing pages. Facebook is an incredible marketing tool. There are so many opportunities that even experienced business owners don’t even know about.

Social Media Marketing is the way forward for small businesses to run rings around corporates. Tiny budgets and smart, nimble strategies to connect with your audience.

Website Design and Content Management

We have constructed many of our own sites from scratch and rebuilt existing sites. The secret is in the website content strategy, which is a key part of your marketing strategy. We can make website construction and development easy for you – including keyword research, content creation and development.

Small businesses really do need a website to be found – it’s a mandatory requirement, but it does not have to be difficult or expensive to be effective.

Google Advertising & Analytics

Service based businesses need Google Adwords to grow. Google Advertising is morphing all the time – the wonderful thing about digital advertising is its dynamic nature.

It’s so important to be across changes in digital media to stay ahead of competitors and to optimise every dollar of your budget.

We have been running Adwords for over ten years and have rolled with the changes and improvements to the platform. Take advantage of this experience!

The Sweet Spot in Digital Marketing – Getting the Mix Right.

We have been involved with Marketing for over 20 years, and with Digital Marketing for ten or so years. We have competed and excelled in complex, competitive industries. The secret to the success is in cleverly braiding together a combination of mediums including (but not limited to) website, optimised landing pages, social media marketing and custom remarketing, SEO, content creation & Google Advertising, customer retention programmes and database management. Knowing at which stage in the pipeline to employ which marketing tool is the value that you gain from involving a marketing specialist.

The best campaign will fail if the landing page is not optimised. The best landing page in the world will fail if the ad creative doesn’t ‘stop the thumbs scrolling’. All elements will fail if the strategy is not sound. Our job is to build a consumer-focused multi-layer campaign that will connect your target with your business.

Every business has different requirements for Marketing.

Give us a call to have a chat about yours. Book a free 30 minute Discovery Discussion.


Mobile: 022 353 9576


What People Say About Us

“Julie really opened our eyes to what we should be doing and what we had been doing wrong in the short space of 1 hour. Her course was just what we needed and will ensure we are not wasting our Facebook advertising budget in all the wrong places. She provided us with guidance on how to target the right customers and where to place ads. Thank you Julie.”

Nicki Wise & Justin Ellis – Lifestyle Gear

My one-hour session with Julie covering my Facebook ads and Google Adwords set up was invaluable! It was great to hear I was on the right track, and she provided a number of tips and tricks to help me get my ads running better and more cost-effectively. Julie also had some great advice around landing pages and advertising strategies. The session was definitely well worth the money!

Alana Steyn – Mud Mates

“I booked a one on one with Julie to help me with my Facebook Advertising. In one hour we accomplished what I had not managed to do in three years!
Since our session, my Facebook advertising account has been humming along brilliantly. Don’t waste three years trying to do it yourself like I did. Book your session with Julie today!”

Jackie Procter – Jackie Procter Copywriter